
Welcome, below you will find various pieces of writing, from short fiction to non-fiction pieces. This is intended as a portfolio of sorts, as well as somewhere to put things that don’t have another home.

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  • What Was Broken
    How had the bridge fallen with no warning? That was the essence of the headline. I stared at it as rain thumped against the windscreen of my little red car.More
  • Margate, 15th June 2024
    The Bull’s Head We left the train with the hoards, some down for the day, many to start preparing themselves for Limp Bizkit at Dreamland. That was not our plan.…More
  • Wake with the Sun
    It was impossible not to wake with the sun. It beat its way through the artificial canvas and cooked the air around us. My sleeping bag, so grateful for it a few hours ago, now felt suffocating, a tin foil wrapping in an oven.More
  • At the End of an Empty Street
    There was nothing there, unless you counted parked cars, the odd pot of flowers and a ginger cat watching me from the shade underneath a Volkswagen.More
  • Through the Binoculars
    I made my way around the edge of the field. I tried to read that fine line between flagrant trespassing and the brambles. Both were winning as I’d caught my sleeve, scratched my face and moved out into the crops. I hoped no-one was watching.More
  • Balcony
    I glance through my shutters, hoping that they do not see me blocking the light of the lamp behind me.More
  • Overcoming the Block
    Stuck with writer’s block? Here are some ideas to help rediscover your creativityMore
  • Magpies
    An undercurrent seems to be pushing the air again. It runs its way through the failing light and onto my toes. At first it is pleasant, forcing me to recognise…More
  • Still Life
    I sat back into the wings of the chair and answered the phone. “Damian?” the caller said. “Francis,” “We’ve got another one,” “When?” “He isn’t sure yet,” “Soon?” “Probably, he’s…More
  • Catalyst – A Partial Review
    Where to begin with Catalyst? This new, hyper immersive rRPG (the first r stands for realism, apparently) from CatatonicSoft is a marvel of technology. Understandably, the developers want to keep…More

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